Our Blog

News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.

From the Blog

Jan 27

Under the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA), most Houston landlords are required to accommodate disabled tenants, provided their requests for modifications are reasonable and don’t impose a financial hardship on the landlord. At first glance, some modification requests might seem unreasonable. For example, it’s a big deal to replace a claw foot bath tub with

Dec 30

There are countless ways to approach real estate investment. Some investors specialize in single family rentals (SFRs), while others emphasize large multi-family units. The SRO market has largely faded out of existence, but the new interest in cohousing may be reinventing this form. Whatever types of properties you typically emphasize, or whether you have a

Jun 30

As a property manager, making every tenant feel welcome is at the heart of your job. How do you fulfill this responsibility, though, when you can’t easily communicate with your tenants? As may happen when working with non-English speaking tenants, property managers may also encounter communication challenges when working with d/Deaf tenants. This is especially

Dec 12

Savvy real estate investors don’t just buy properties. No, the best investors develop a diversified portfolio that can withstand market fluctuations and provide multiple income streams. For Houston area landlords, this includes investing in workforce housing.

Nov 13

Tenant screening is one of the most important responsibilities of any landlord. This is your chance to make sure your property is occupied by someone who’s going to take care of it, pay for it consistently, and ideally, stay there as long as possible.

Nov 6

Houston is one of the most important rental markets in the United States, with the third-highest number of apartments of any American city – but all isn’t well for the city’s tenants. In a recent study performed by the University of Texas School of Law, researchers determined that about 40% of Houston apartments were built

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