Our Blog

News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.

From the Blog

Apr 28

When a rental property produces a small or negative return, there could be any number of factors to blame. But excessive maintenance issues and repairs are among the most common. In many cases, this concern can be traced back to the investor’s failure to perform due diligence when researching the property and crunching the cash-flow

Apr 26

When you invest in a rental property, ROI is everything. You either generate a positive return on your investment or you don’t. And while the agreed-upon sale price is obviously the most essential factor when you run the numbers, you mustn’t ignore closing costs. For all intents and purposes, they’re a part of the investment.

Mar 29

During the course of your property management activities, you may feel the impulse to raise the rent at one of your properties. There are many good reasons to do this, such as to cover new expenses like higher property taxes or HOA fees. You may also simply wish to increase your profits by keeping your

Mar 24

Not all tenants complain. In fact, many of your best tenants will remain content indefinitely: continuing to pay rent and reaching out only when the house or apartment clearly needs routine maintenance or a small-scale repair. But some tenants will complain on a semi-regular basis. If you’re unlucky, you might end up with a tenant

Mar 22

Tenants should be allowed to have guests stay a night or two, but long-term guests can pose a problem. Sometimes it’s just a friend or relative who’s visiting from out-of-town, but a long-term guest may include someone who has no intention of leaving. Technically, at some point a long-term guest becomes a tenant. What started

Mar 17

Late fees are designed to encourage tenants to pay rent on time. Though a late fee won’t make any difference among tenants who genuinely don’t have the money, there are other reasons tenants pay late. Late fees can be a deterrent for those situations. Why would someone not pay the rent on time when they

How much will your property lease for?


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