5 Ways Houston Landlords Can Grow Their Sphere of Influence

March 2, 2021 by Luis Rojo

5 Ways Houston Landlords Can Grow Their Sphere of Influence

In the world of networking, the term “sphere of influence,” otherwise known as your “sphere,” is an important concept that carries with it massive implications. And if you want to build a successful and lucrative business investing in real estate, you need to continually grow your sphere with purpose and intentionality.

What is a Sphere of Influence?

Everyone has a sphere of influence. Some spheres are small and contained, while others branch out like the roots of a 3,000-year-old sequoia tree. And though size is important, it’s the quality and strength of your sphere that determines how powerful of an asset it truly is.

Your sphere of influence is basically the collection of people in your personal and professional networks with whom your opinion holds some significance or weight. In this regard, it’s different from your “network.” You should consider your sphere a subsegment of your larger network. It’s the core – the select few people who you can call on and move to action.

It’s possible to have hundreds (even thousands) of people in your network, but it’s considered impossible to maintain stable social relationships with more than 150 people. In most cases, a sphere of influence is just 10 to 50 percent of this size.

5 Tips for Growing Your Sphere of Influence

You should always be looking for ways to strengthen and grow your sphere. Here are some recommended tips and tools you can use to do just that:

1. Organize and Clarify Your Sphere of Influence

It’s hard to grow your sphere of influence if you aren’t clear who it includes. So we recommend starting this process by organizing and clarifying your sphere. Don’t just think about it – actually create a spreadsheet!

Go through your phone contacts, LinkedIn connections, and social media followers. Think about who you talk to on a regular basis in your neighborhood, at your church, or in the community. Put down anybody and everybody in your network.

Once you have a list of who’s in your network, it’s necessary to distinguish your sphere of influence. In other words, who are the people with whom your opinions hold weight?

“Think about it as the people who would see a movie, read a book, or try a new restaurant because you recommended it,” Contactually suggests. “More often than not, they’re folks you talk to on a regular basis—friends or professionals you do regular business with.”

Highlight these names on your spreadsheet and organize them into their own grouping. These are the relationships you need to actively nourish. And once you’re doing that, you can shift some of your attention towards growing your sphere.

2. Get Serious About Social

You might not be an obsessive social media user, but it’s important that you get somewhat serious if you want to grow your sphere of influence. Social media platforms provide you with exponentially greater reach than you have offline. They also give you a visible platform around the clock – meaning you don’t have to physically be everywhere at once. People can engage with you, view your profiles, and learn more about you at their leisure.

The best rule of thumb with social media is to go where your ideal sphere of influence already is and to focus on that platform. It’s far better to be fully engaged with one or two platforms than to give a half-hearted effort with five or six different networks. Focus on quality over quantity!

3. Become a Content Creator

You might not be a copywriter or influencer by trade, but you need to have some content to your name. Content is king in the digital world and you can leverage it to build credibility, make connections, and grow your business.

Content can take on a variety of formats and mediums, including blog posts, video, graphic designs, email newsletters, or anything in between. The point is that you need to be establishing high-value touchpoints that show you as an authority figure in your niche. If you can do this, you’ll see your sphere of influence really take off.

4. Give and Help Others

The best thing you can do to grow your sphere of influence is to give, give, and give some more. And once you think you’ve given all you can, give just a little more.

When building a network, there’s no replacement for generosity. People remember the kind and sacrificial things you do for them. Not only does this make them more likely to give to you in the future, but it creates stronger and more positive emotional connections between the two of you – connections that come in handy when there’s an important business decision to be made.

5. Tap Your Sphere From Time to Time

A sphere of influence is more than something you look at or think about. The real value comes from actually being able to tap it from time to time. And as long as you’ve done your part and freely given of yourself, you shouldn’t feel guilty about using your connections or influence to accomplish something.

You’d be surprised how much people like to be called on to help. It makes them feel important and valued. Don’t rob people of this joy just because you feel like you’re encroaching. People are far more willing to help than you realize.

Green Residential: Houston’s Leader in Property Management

Building a network and turning contacts into members of your sphere of influence is tough, time-consuming work. It’s something that requires a lot of energy and intentionality. But if your daily schedule is bogged down by unclogging toilets, chasing down late rent checks, and manually screening prospective tenants, you have no time left to grow your sphere. And that’s where we come into play.

At Green Residential, we’re committed to providing Houston landlords with comprehensive property management services that save time and money – allowing you to pour more of both into networking and growing your business.

For additional information on the services we provide, please contact us today. We’d be happy to provide you with a free property analysis.

Luis Rojo

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