10 Tips for Handling Repairs in Your Katy, TX Rental Property

February 22, 2024 by Luis Rojo

Properties eventually need maintenance and repairs, no matter how well the property is built or how effectively it’s being cared for. 

As a landlord, you will be responsible for taking in repair requests and issuing repairs regularly, but it’s important to approach this with the right mindset and the right strategies.

Responsible rental property repair management can help you reduce costs, improve tenant retention, and avoid potential legal trouble.

So, what are the best tips for accomplishing this?

Hiring a Katy Property Management Company

A Katy property management company could be the easy solution for all your repair concerns. Property managers have the resources and experience to handle most repairs on your behalf. They’ll be responsible for communicating with tenants, coordinating with contractors, and making sure repairs are handled in a way that’s both cost-efficient and good for the property.

While you’ll be responsible for management fees, this option can save you a lot of time and a lot of headaches. 

In fact, if you hire a property management company, many of the tips that follow won’t even be relevant to you – because you’ll have a team of trusted professionals to handle the most difficult aspects of this work on your behalf.

Your Top Priorities in Handling Repairs

Your biggest priorities in handling repairs are:

·       Complying with the law. In Texas, landlords are responsible for keeping rental properties in livable, reasonable condition. If something breaks or if something goes wrong, it’s your job to fix it, and if you don’t, you could be held liable for damages. Whether you want to save money or just simplify your life, avoiding legal trouble is a top priority.

·       Making tenants happy. While you aren’t legally responsible for making your tenants happy, happier tenants tend to lead to more profitable rental property strategies. Satisfied tenants are less likely to leave and less likely to cause other maintenance issues.

·       Reducing repair costs (long term). You also need to handle repairs in a way that can save you money, helping you boost profitability. Unfortunately, many landlords think only of the short term in this regard, but it’s much better to think of long-term cost-efficiency. 

For example, sometimes it’s better to spend a little more on a project if it means minimizing the recurrence of future issues.

So, how do we accomplish these priorities?

Tips for Handling Repairs in Your Katy, TX Rental Property

These are some of the best tips for handling repairs appropriately in your Katy rental property.

1.   Establish a network of contractors. Your work is going to be a lot easier and a lot cheaper if you have an extended network of contractors in place. You should have people you know and trust covering a wide range of different skills and addressing a variety of different needs you’ll encounter. Not only will you have a full Rolodex of people you can call in an emergency, but you’ll also likely get more favorable pricing.

2.   Get some DIY/handyman knowledge. Even if you have lots of contractors available, there’s utility in developing some DIY and handyman knowledge on your own. In some cases, you may be able to tackle simple issues on your own. Even if you’re not available or willing to do the work, you’ll be able to dispatch contractors and relay information more confidently if you know what’s going on. You’ll also be able to evaluate the fairness of various quotes for repairs.

3.   Save up an emergency fund. Some major repairs can be expensive and detrimental to your strategy if you’re not prepared for them. Accordingly, you should have an emergency fund in place.

4.   Have clear communication protocols in place. Communication is imperative for better understanding issues, responding to issues quicker, and keeping both you and your tenants satisfied. Make sure there are clear communication protocols in place. For non-urgent repairs, tenants should be able to file formal requests online, which you can review at your convenience. For urgent repair requests, tenants should be able to contact you or someone else directly at any time of day or night.

5.   Respond promptly. When you do receive a request, you should respond promptly. It shows that you care and helps tenants feel reassured that their issues are going to be addressed. Even if you can’t fix the issue right away, a simple acknowledgment will be greatly appreciated.

6.   Anticipate common repairs. Some rental property repairs are more common than others. It’s a good idea to get familiar with some of the more common repairs needed, such as smoke detector battery replacements, garbage disposal repairs, and leaky roof repairs. If you anticipate these repairs and know how to deal with them, they’ll be much more manageable.

7.   Invest in quality (when possible). Whenever possible, invest in the quality of your repairs. That means using better contractors and better materials. While this is going to cost you a bit more money upfront, it’s going to help those repairs last longer and make your tenants more satisfied.

8.   Practice routine maintenance. Don’t wait for things to go wrong. Instead, practice routine and preventive maintenance whenever you can. Conduct regular inspections and clean the central air conditioner because it can spare you from urgent and expensive repairs down the road.

9.   Educate tenants when appropriate. If you have a tenant who makes a repair request after mistreating the property or doing something wrong, take it as an opportunity to educate them. For example, you might need to teach them that eggshells and fruit pits don’t belong in the garbage disposal or that tampons shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet.

10.   Follow up as a courtesy. When the repair is completed, follow up with your tenant as a courtesy. Let them know the work is done, and thank them for bringing it to your attention.

Are you struggling to keep up with repair requests?

Do you wish you had a more reliable network of contractors?

A dedicated property manager could be the answer. If you’re interested in learning more about our property management services, contact us for a free consultation today!

Luis Rojo
10 Tips for Handling Repairs in Your Katy, TX Rental Property

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