Our Blog

News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.

From the Blog

Jun 13

Owning rental property comes with some big challenges, and dealing with troublesome tenants is one of the most important things to get under control. Some tenants are perpetually late with the rent and refuse to pay late fees. However, the worst is when a tenant damages your property. It would be great if they followed

Jun 8

Finding the right tenant for your property can be a stressful process. You are making at least a year-long commitment with a renter that can dictate whether the rental experience will be a breeze or a headache. In a study reported by Bloomberg and done by the Census Bureau, it was found that in June

Jun 6

On paper, property management seems like a kind of golden ticket. If you have the right properties in your portfolio, you can sit back, relax, and watch the cash roll in. All you have to do is handle a handful of maintenance requests now and then, and your tenants will send you tons of money

Jun 1

For landlords, vacancies are always an issue, as they’re largely unavoidable. Sooner or later, your tenant is going to move out (or find themselves in a position where they can no longer continue paying rent). And that means your unit is going to be empty, at least temporarily. Vacancies are problematic because they prevent you

May 30

How would you describe yourself as an investor? Are you extremely risk tolerant and aggressive with your strategies? Or are you a more defensive and cautious player, only investing when you feel reasonably certain of the potential gains? In the rental property investment world, it’s possible to be successful with a wide range of different

May 25

Owning a rental property can be extremely financially advantageous, providing you with a steady stream of income and an opportunity to benefit from long-term property appreciation. But owning this type of property, and managing tenants actively, does come with some additional complications and risks. For example, let’s say you’re 6 months into a 1-year lease

How much will your property lease for?


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