News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Home ownership is a huge responsibility that entails a unique set of challenges as well as opportunities. Though there are plenty of advantages in owning a piece of real estate that you may assume will increase in value as time passes, the house won’t take care of itself. In order to maintain and increase its
The average family moves every few years. Sometimes there’s a functional need for the move – such as moving into a new school district, adding a bedroom, or downsizing. Other times, people move because they want something fresh or new. But moving for purely aesthetic purposes is expensive. What if you could totally change the
When you see a video presentation about a house flip on TV, it looks simple. Of course something inevitably goes wrong in the middle of the episode for dramatic effect, but the homeowners overcome every misfortune somehow and turn a major profit.
With homeownership comes great responsibility. When something breaks, stops working, or needs to be upgraded, there isn’t a landlord or property manager you can call to take care of it for you. It’s up to you to find a solution and, if necessary, handle the repair on your own. But in order to do so,
If you’ve spent time watching HGTV or DIY Network, then you’re familiar with remodeling demolitions. In the Hollywood version, contractors grab sledgehammers and start ripping through drywall and cabinets. You’ll get an opportunity to put a sledgehammer through drywall in your own demolition, but the process isn’t quite as simple or careless as it looks.
When you’re a property owner, little odd jobs constantly pop up that you either have to handle out of necessity, or feel you should tackle in order to make some facet of your place more functional or aesthetically pleasing. If you don’t have a lot of experience or know many handy skills, however, deciding which