Improve Curb Appeal to Boost Rental Property Attraction

January 15, 2015 by Luis Rojo

Improve Curb Appeal

There are many rental properties in the Houston market, and when it comes to finding tenants, the competition can be harsh. Having a rental property sit vacant, though, loses you money. It’s important to attract new tenants quickly and reliably. But how is it done? Have you ever wondered how some landlords are able to keep their properties rented all the time, when yours is right next door and always vacant?

There are a number of reasons your property could be failing to attract tenants. However, often the simplest explanation is the answer: your property may lack curb appeal. Curb appeal is the first impression your property makes on a potential tenant. Many tenants have already decided upon viewing your property from the outside whether or not they can see themselves living there, and the walkthrough probably isn’t going to change their mind. A property with good curb appeal invites prospective tenants to explore the interior for further positive points. If your property has poor curb appeal, a walkthrough is mostly an attempt to offset this first impression. It’s rarely successful.

Perhaps curb appeal is something you’ve avoided investing in, because you know how expensive it can be. However, curb appeal doesn’t have to mean completely redoing the front of your property in a costly renovation. There are many ways to boost your curb appeal simply and affordably. Property management in Houston recommends the following ways to add to your curb appeal without breaking the bank.

1. Edge the driveway.

Edge the driveway

Curb appeal is found in the details. If you spruce up the details of your property, it’s going to appear newer, cleaner, and more inviting. It will also appear more worth the rent you’re charging. If your property has a driveway, installing an edge gives it an elegant, crisp look. There are many options for materials to edge with. Stone, bricks, pavers, or some combination can bring your driveway from a boring gray patch to an elegant entryway to your property. The edge of a driveway crumbling into the lawn is never a good look for a property.

Edging is easy to install and offers protection to your lawn from errant drivers. Along both sides of your driveway, remove a section of grass the width you want your edging to be. Then, dig down the depth of your edging material plus two inches. These extra two inches are filled with a sand base. Finally, place your edging on top of the sand. You’ll be amazed at the transformation this simple addition can make to your property.

2. Light the walkway.
As often as not, your prospective tenant will be coming to look at your property after work when it may be dark outside. Your prospective tenant won’t get a full view of your property’s exterior in the dark, but the impression your property makes at night is important. One of the main concerns renters have is being able to feel safe at night in the place they move to.

Lights are an elegant, effective way to help people feel safe. They appear welcoming at night, and also remove the risk of people tripping on any steps leading to the house. Installed in the right places, a few lights can emphasize some of the better parts of your landscaping. Your property will appear inviting and beautiful.

Solar lights are a good solution for walkways, since they don’t require electrical cables to be installed and don’t use any electricity from the house. Most solar lights run at least six hours. Your tenants will be happy to learn they don’t have to pay for these pleasing lights.

3. Wash the property’s face.
Houses get dirty quickly because they face the brunt of the elements. This can make them appear worn down and old even when they’re not. Dirt and mildew on the outside of a home makes a negative impression on a prospective tenant, and can even impact your rent.

If you’re considering putting a fresh coat of paint on your home, be sure to wash it first. You may be surprised to find that under the grit is a respectable paint job able to last another year or two. You can wash your property on your own with a long handled soft bristle brush and a bucket of soapy water. You may also choose to hire a power washer. Power washing is affordable and can have a transformative effect on your property.

Don’t forget to wash the windows while you’re at it. A professional window cleaning service can be a good option, as they are typically affordable and efficient. You can also wash your windows yourself, but be sure to wash the insides of the windows too.

4. Clean up the yard.

Clean up the yard

A full landscaping service can be expensive. It may be worth it, as a beautiful landscaped yard adds considerable value to your property. However, if you’re not interested in that larger financial investment, Katy property management companies recommend simply cleaning up your yard.

A yard may be perfectly nice, but if it’s hidden under debris and weeds, it will appear to a prospective tenant as messy and ugly. Putting in some time to make your yard the best it can be does wonders for your property’s curb appeal.

If there are any loose branches or other debris in your yard, take them away. Mow the lawn to give it a fresh look. If any plants or bushes are dead, remove them, and be sure to prune any dead branches or leaves away from your plants. Weed the lawn and the garden and don’t forget to water them. Laying down a fresh layer of mulch makes your garden pop. You may also choose to edge your garden for an elegant look tenants will be impressed by.

Investing in curb appeal doesn’t need to put a hole in your wallet. These simple fixes will do wonders for the appearance of your property, and you’ll be amazed at how much easier attracting tenants will be.

Green Residential

Finding the perfect tenant can be difficult. Many landlords in Houston are seeking the assistance of Houston real property management to make the tenant signing process streamlined and simple. To find out more about what a property management company can do for you, contact Green Residential today.

Luis Rojo

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