How many homes do you think are in Houston?
According to the Census Bureau, there were 858,374 households as of 2019. That number has likely risen since then.
Putting aside semantic debates about what qualifies as a “household,” that’s nearly a million homes all in the same city, many of which were built around the same time. Even so, your house is unique in at least a few ways.
It may have features that most other homes in the area don’t offer, or qualities that make it stand out. Discovering what those features are, and emphasizing them well, can help position your house strategically… and ultimately land a faster sale and a higher sale price.
So, how can you do this?
Why Unique Features Matter
What’s the importance of unique features in the first place? Many developments have been filled with homes that look as if they were cast from the same mold, and they seem to sell just fine.
And to be fair, if your house was literally identical to another down the block, that wouldn’t prohibit you from selling it. However, unique features offer a handful of advantages.
For example:
- They help your house stand out. At any given time, a lot of residences are listed for sale. Even in the current tight market, there’s a revolving door of properties for sale. Marketing and advertising your home’s best features can help you stand out from the crowd – as well as reach more potential buyers.
- They save time. Some facets of your house are to be expected. Emphasizing what makes it unique will save time on the buyer’s end. Instead of making people slog through an exhaustive list of common specs, draw their attention to the critical details that distinguish what you have to offer them.
- They appeal to niche buyers. Many buyers won’t care that your house has glass doorknobs or that the dining room is spacious, but for some, these could be make-or-break factors. Listing out those unique features can help you appeal to folks who might otherwise pass over your house.
Look at Other Homes in Houston, Texas
Now let’s turn our attention to the best strategies to find your home’s most unique features. Before you start to draw up a list, turn your attention to other homes in the Houston area – especially other houses for sale in your neighborhood.
Run down a list of key features in each of these properties, inspect the layout, and browse the photos. What are the characteristics that all these homes share?
Are various features present in most nearby homes that aren’t in yours? Are there interesting or practically beneficial qualities in your home that don’t seem to be an attribute of the others?
Core Details to Consider
If you’re feeling stuck, you don’t know what to look for, or you just need some additional direction to identify your home’s unique features, think about the following:
- Access to transportation. Does your home offer a transportation-related advantage? For example, is it located close to a major highway? Is there a public bus stop on the corner?
- Positioning. How is your home positioned? In many cases, corner lots tend to sell for a higher price than their boxed-in neighbors. You might also get more value out of your home if it faces a certain direction, or possesses a scenic overlook.
- Lot size and beauty. The overall lot size and visual allure of your property could also be a selling point. If your property has a substantial square footage compared to that of other homes in the area, this could be a major draw.
- Privacy. How much privacy does your structure afford the residents? Is there a fence, high hedge, or other items that ensure your property enjoys some seclusion, or make it less visible from the street than others in the area?
- Windows and lighting. How are the windows positioned in the house? Are they new or old? Do they let in more light than windows in other properties or do they have a distinctive design?
- Storage space. How much storage space can your home boast about? Having built-in shelves or cupboards where they aren’t usually found can be appealing. In addition, spacious closets are a major selling point.
- Room shapes. What about the size and shape of your rooms? Is there a bedroom or living room that has a distinguishing form?
- Garage potential. What’s the state of the garage and how much space does it provide? Roomy, functional garages can raise the attraction of an otherwise ordinary property.
- Overall efficiency. These days, energy efficiency counts for more. Is your home outfitted with plenty of insulation, modern windows, and other high-efficiency features?
- Old features. In contrast, some buyers search for properties that have older features. For example, people might prefer homes with old-fashioned glass doorknobs or stylized trim.
- New appliances and fixtures. Newer appliances and fixtures, from refrigerators to track lighting, can also be powerful attractions for potential buyers.
Once you’ve compiled a list of your home’s unique features, you can start marketing it on the basis of them. Place those details front and center in your marketing and advertising efforts, and make sure your real estate agent knows about them.
Talking to a Real Estate Agent
No matter which unique features your property has, or how much experience you have with home selling, it’s a wise move to work with a real estate agent when you sell your home. He or she will be able to help you review your house, assess its condition, and highlight the features that are most likely to push the sale price upward.
If all goes well, you should be able to score a much higher sale price – one that far exceeds the commission you’ll pay to the agent.
If you’re getting ready to sell your house, or need advice before you choose to sell, contact Green Residential today! We’ll put you in touch with one of our top Houston, Texas real estate agents and help you establish the strategy you need to sell your home quickly – for the best possible price.
Michael is Green Residential’s Vice President. He helps to keep the team organized and running smoothly. Prior to joining Green Residential, he spent 12 years working at Cadence Bank in the mortgage loan servicing department, where he specialized in loan audits, modifications, and bankruptcy-related issues for the mortgage portfolio.
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