Here’s How to Host a Killer Open House

March 5, 2020 by Michael Brown

Here’s How to Host a Killer Open House

When selling a property as a real estate agent, an investor, or a homeowner, an open house can connect you with potential buyers and prospects. Many prospective buyers block out time each week to attend open houses in hopes of finding the perfect place to live.

It’s important to recognize that open houses are a controversial topic in real estate. Many realtors say that it does nothing to sell a home, and it’s simply a waste of the buyer’s time. However, an open house done right can connect sellers with the perfect buyers.

As explained in a article, letting potential buyers walk through a home freely lets the buyers dream of living there one day.

“Buying a home is an emotional decision,” Larissa Runkle of writes. “Buyers fall in love with a feeling they have inside the home. Many buyers will attend numerous real estate open houses in a day, which means that your top priority should be coming up with real estate open house ideas to make yours memorable.”

The key to having an amazing open house lies in the execution. Here’s what any open house host needs to know to make the affair successful:

Set the Right Price

Before inviting people to walk through your home, make sure it’s set at the right price. Potential buyers might not waste their time on an open house if they feel it’s priced too high. They might also get a bad impression of the home before they even walk inside.

Don’t fall into the temptation of trying to scam more money out of your house than it’s worth. Buyers will see right through that, and it will cause trouble!

Choose the Right Time

Timing is vital in a successful open house. If you set the event for 9 a.m. on a Monday morning, you likely won’t get anyone to come because they’ll all be at work. Ideally, you’ll set the event when buyers have flexibility and time away from their jobs.

For example, you might set it over the lunch hour from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. You might also try early evening, such as 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays are great as well.

According to an article from, there are times to avoid as well. “To maximize your foot traffic, avoid having your open house during holidays, big community events (marathon days, for example), or unofficial ‘holidays’ like Super Bowl Sunday,” the article says.

Ask Your Neighbors to Come

You’ve probably been curious as to what the inside of your neighbors’ houses look like. Chances are, they’re curious about the inside of yours too, but they don’t want to impose by coming to your open house. Remove any awkwardness and invite them over.

This is a powerful tactic for spreading the word. Your neighbors likely have friends and family who would love to live near them. They may know of someone that wants to buy a house in your neighborhood. Letting them see the inside of your house can prove to be excellent marketing.

Spread the Word

Start marketing your open house like crazy. Set up signs, publish an advertisement in the newspaper, add the open house to your online listing, and tell everyone.

Turning to social media can also help. Facebook is one of the best places to market your home. Consider doing a live video as you walk through the house. It will notify all your friends that the video is going on and give them a much-anticipated sneak peek.

“Potential buyers will be able to view the house remotely and ask relevant questions that the realtor can respond to and show in real time,” marketer Gary Vaynerchuk told when recommending the use of live video. Think about all the house-showcasing programs that took television by storm in the late 90s and into the 2000s.”

The success of these programs show that people are curious, and they’ll tune in to see your home and then tell their friends.

Prepare and Stage the Home

When the big day arrives, get everything in perfect order. A home that shows well in an open house is a slam dunk.

Start with a thorough cleaning. Remove all clutter from view, vacuum and sweep, dust, polish the furniture, and make your house gleam. Don’t forget to clean your closets and cabinets! Home buyers often open doors to see the size and condition of the unit in question, and you don’t want to leave a bad impression.

You don’t necessarily have to hire a stager (although this can help you sell your home faster and for more), but you should make it look clean and attractive. Consider removing personal effects, like photographs and cluttered decorations. These can make the space feel less personal to buyers, and since you’re trying to create that personal connection, letting them envision themselves in the space is crucial.

Have Listing Details and Refreshments

Buyers like to have all the information they can get while walking through a home. Yes, they can find the information on your online listing, but they’ll want it in their hands as they’re observing the property.

If your home is listed on the MLS, print off the listing page and have lots of copies available for buyers to keep. You could also make a list of recent updates to make buyers feel more comfortable with the condition of the property.

You might also put out some refreshments like freshly baked cookies and lemonade. This not only makes your house feel more like home, but it also gives buyers a chance to chat with you while they eat. This interaction can be priceless.


Be upbeat and cheery as you greet each person who enters the home. Find out what they’re looking for and, if possible, show them why your home fits those requirements,” recommends real estate writer Elizabeth Weintraub of The Balance.

“And absolutely, get feedback,” Weintraub continues, underscoring the importance of asking visitors what they think about the amenities, layout, and price. This feedback usually comes from a third-party visitor, and it can be invaluable in improving the home so the perfect buyer can find it.

Let Green Residential Help

At Green Residential, we’re ready and willing to help you pull off the best open house possible. Our agents are well-versed in creating successful events that sell homes quickly and for more. For more information about our real estate services, contact us today!

Michael Brown

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